Artillery | The Here and Now of It

January 2, 2024

Ezrha Jean Black

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You’re in an otherwise familiar room or space, struck by how unusually airy and refreshed it seems. At the same time, wafting through the interior that constitutes your “mind’s eye,” you’re struck by a sense that, in one way or another, you’ve been here before. The art itself is like nothing you’ve ever seen before; but again, oscillating and permeating through it all is the sense of something that has come before. Then the title given to the exhibition impresses itself upon the visitor: “I am here.” The whole of it is all here and now—as the viewer awakens to the realization of everything that has happened throughout the past 40 or 50 years, what is happening in the present, and what we can see will happen in the next four or five decades.

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BLUM Los Angeles is closed for installation until Saturday, September 14. BLUM Tokyo is closed for installation until Friday, September 20.