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Carroll Dunham: A Drawing Survey

This volume constitutes a 30-year survey of works on paper by New York-based painter Carroll Dunham. Dunham's visual lexicon, drawing on such precursors as Arshile Gorky, André Masson and Philip Guston, and populated by biomorphic forms equipped with grinding teeth, phallic noses, top hats, daggers and guns, expresses an unbridled and polymorphous sexuality in which conflict is overtly celebrated. Dunham produces one or more drawings per day, for weeks at a time or longer, and has now amassed an astonishing breadth of material and content. Included here are some 366 drawings by Dunham, spanning his early career in the 1980s to the present, and covering all aspects of his drawing practice. Published for a 2012 exhibition at Blum & Poe, it offers one of the most comprehensive evaluations of Dunham's drawing practice to date.

Physical description: 
Paperback, 328 pages
Los Angeles: Blum & Poe, 2012
ISBN: 9780966350333
9 x 10 inches
Weight: 3 lbs.

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