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Lynda Benglis

The definitive monograph on American sculptor and visual artist Lynda Benglis, one of the most important living artists today.

Since her arrival in New York from her native Louisiana in the late 1960s, Lynda Benglis gained recognition for creating a groundbreaking body of work that challenged sculpture and painting conventions in a largely male-dominated art world.

A tireless explorer of new shape and materials, Benglis's gestural and formal approach to art-making has, over the years, elevated her to iconic status, her work being evidence of how process can wield pliant matter and let it "take its own form."

With texts by Andrew Bonacina, Nora Lawrence, and Bibiana Obler.

Physical description:
Softcover, 160 pages
New York: Phaidon, 2022
ISBN: 9781838661229  
10 x 11.5 inches

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