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JB Blunk

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This long-awaited monograph presents the breadth of JB Blunk's practice and includes never-before-seen archival and newly commissioned photographs of jewelry, ceramics, paintings, furniture, sculpture and his hand built house. Edited by Mariah Nielson and Åbäke, the book features essays by Lucy Lippard, Glenn Adamson, Fariba Bogzaran and Louise Allison Cort. 

First edition: brown cover
Second edition: purple cover
Third edition: gray cover

JB Blunk is designed by Åbäke, printed by die Keure and co-published by Blunk Books and Dent-de-Leone.

Physical description: 
Hardcover, 224 pages
Inverness, CA: Blunk Books and Dent-de-Leone, 2020
ISBN: 9781907908637
8.5 x 10.5 inches

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