Sam Moyer on Payne’s Gray

July 19, 2024

Screening | Julian Hoeber

Julian Hoeber

April 14, 2023

Screening | Ha Chong-hyun

Ha Chong-hyun

October 17, 2022

Screening | Still Dance Activation by Daria Halprin

July 30, 2022

Screening | Thornton Dial

Thornton Dial

May 3, 2022

Screening | Kishio Suga's Writing Translations

Kishio Suga

February 21, 2022

Screening | Kazunori Hamana and Yukiko Kuroda

Kazunori Hamana, Yukiko Kuroda

September 9, 2021

Musing | Tomoo Gokita

Tomoo Gokita

June 21, 2021

Broadcasts: Linder

Sisters of the Mantic Stain

June 2021

Reading | Kenjirō Okazaki

June 21, 2021

Broadcasts: Mutter, Matter, Mother

Organized by Naz Cuguoglu

April 2021

Listening | Dave Muller

April 22, 2021

Reading | Theodora Allen

April 22, 2021

Broadcasts: March Avery's Watercolors

March Avery

November 2020

Screening | March Avery

March Avery

November 12, 2020

Broadcasts: Karel Appel's Out of Nature

Karel Appel

October 2020

Screening | Sam Durant

Sam Durant

October 12, 2020

Broadcasts: Tony Lewis's GET OFF ME

Tony Lewis

October 2020

Musing | Penny Slinger (Part 4)

October 7, 2020

Screening | Tony Lewis

Tony Lewis

October 7, 2020

Listening | Tony Lewis

October 7, 2020

Reading | Parergon

October 7, 2020

Broadcasts: Mohamed Bourouissa

Mohamed Bourouissa

August 2020

Broadcasts: Zhu Jinshi's Small Works

Zhu Jinshi

July 2020

Reading | Mohamed Bourouissa

July 17, 2020

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